Blog | Some Changes to this Site: Side Bar, Comments, Link Posts, Images, Blogs, Share This, Error

Some Changes to this Site: Side Bar, Comments, Link Posts, Images, Blogs, Share This, Error

Hello Readers! Thanks for following my blog. I hope you've been enjoying my writing and photos over the years. Don't worry, I'm going to keep blogging and shooting! I made some changes to the site last week and last night. Here is a quick rundown of what has changed:

  • Error Page: I have updated my error page to actually be helpful, before it was worthless, but now when you land on it, you'll find it much more helpful.
  • Side Bar: Added blog categories list, added full archives listing, removed login
  • Comments: I have totally removed the comments section from this site. They were hard to use (almost impossible) and spambots spent all day trying to spam them, although they did actually fail, but still. I will be reintroducing comments when I release the next version of this site. If you want to comment on a post, email me and I'll update the post with your comment and a link back to you (link the old boingboing style)
  • Links: As I'm sure you've noticed I've been automatically posting my links from every day. I hope you're enjoying this. Let me know through email either way.
  • Image Layout: I've changed the layout of the image pages by simplifying the interface and moving the album information to below the image. I've also added a share this button.
  • Blogs: I've added a date posted field as well as a share this button.
  • ShareThis: I saw this post on laughing squid and decided to add that functionality to my site. You will find a ShareThis badge on every page now.

Let me know what you think!



Post date:

Thursday, January 24th, 2008 at 2:36:54 PM
